Ok i have a good idea for a update the under the sea update in the under the sea update ther will be a big ocean and too get to the ocean you need a boat to go down the river and after you go down the river you will see multiple island with coconut and banana trees and the trees will work like apple trees so you can't cut them down .and on the biggest island there willbe a big structure andin it you will go through it to getthe swimming skill. In the ocean there will be fish that you can fish for food and use them for potions
Like temporary water breathing. And to get bigger fish you need a better fishing pole. In the deeper parts of the ocean there will be caves with sea monsters and if you kill the sea monster you will get scales teeth and meet you can use the scales and meet for the water breathing potion and use the teeth for arrow heads. In the caves there will be different ores like in the caves.